Life Groups meet in neighborhoods all across the area to do life together. We encourage you to join a group to form relationships, build friendships, and strengthen each other in your walk with Christ.
You can make a difference in people’s lives by starting a new Life Group! Click ‘Start a Group’ below to learn more about how you can begin the process of launching a group in your area.
Life Groups meet in neighborhoods all across the area to do life together. We encourage you to join a group to form relationships, build friendships, and strengthen each other in your walk with Christ.
You can make a difference in people’s lives by starting a new Life Group! Click ‘Start a Group’ below to learn more about how you can begin the process of launching a group in your area.
Life Groups meet in neighborhoods all across the area to do life together. We encourage you to join a group to form relationships, build friendships, and strengthen each other in your walk with Christ.
You can make a difference in people’s lives by starting a new Life Group! Click ‘Start a Group’ below to learn more about how you can begin the process of launching a group in your area.
Frequently Asked Questions About Life Groups
What Is A Life Group?
Life Groups are a way for you to meet and connect with others at Life Community Church! They provide a fun-filled, relaxing environment for people to engage in meaningful relationships. Life Groups are focused on building relationships, growing together in your walk with God, and praying for one another.
How Are Groups Structured?
Life Groups are comprised of 10-14 people who consistently meet together. There are groups available for adults of all ages, stages of life, and spiritual maturity. To get started, search for a group based on your stage of life (college, young married, young professionals, young families, parents of teens, men and women only groups, etc.). From there you can read the descriptions of the various groups to find one that’s a good fit for you.
How Do I Join A Life Group?
Joining a Life Group is simple and done on our website.
1. SEARCH: Search for a Life Group at, then click “Find A Group.”
2. FIND: Find a Life Group to visit.
3. CONNECT: Connect with the Life Group by contacting the leader and visiting their group.
1. SEARCH: Search for a Life Group at, then click “Find A Group.”
2. FIND: Find a Life Group to visit.
3. CONNECT: Connect with the Life Group by contacting the leader and visiting their group.
What Type Of Study Does The Life Group Follow?
Life Group discussions are sometimes on book studies or topic studies such as parenting, finances, marriage, and/or bible studies. Other groups focus on the current Sunday morning message. The main focus of each group is God!
What Is A Typical Life Group Meeting Like?
Many groups have snacks or dinner when they meet. They will then move into a time of talking about the topic of choice or Sunday’s message followed by praying for one another’s needs. Groups also plan fun activities together such as Miniature Golf, Bowling, Kickball, BBQ’s and, of course, ice cream.
When Do Life Groups Meet?
Life Groups meet weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Some are eight to ten weeks long, and others meet throughout the year.
What About Childcare?
Some groups provide childcare in their home or at a separate location. If you need childcare, please ask the leader of the group you're interested in.
What If I Don't Connect With The Life Group I Visit?
Our goal at Life Community Church is to help you find meaningful relationships. We understand that it may take checking out a few different groups to find the right fit. We encourage you to give each group a few weeks before trying a new one. It can take a few weeks for people to break the ice and begin connecting.
Join a Serve Team!
The Serve Team is a group of incredible people who have discovered their gifts and passions and are actively using them to be the hands and feet of Jesus. There are so many options---Hospitality Team; Student Ministries Team; Small Groups; Production Team; Worship Team; Kids Ministry, etc. Please consider joining a team and becoming an integral part of LCC.